A very special session at a very magical beach!
So much twirling, running, giggling, jumping and flying… it was almost impossible to edit this one down to 32 pictures! The joy just beams out of the photos!
I’ve been photographing the Moy family since big brother was a squishy little bub barely able to sit on his own. After years of photo sessions including a maternity, newborn, parties and an extended family session including grandparents, I look forward to their sessions the same way I look forward to catching up with old friends. I say it all the time but one of my favorite things about this job is watching kids grow up!
Big sister kept this session very lively and full of giggles! She even knew how to make baby brother smile too! It was the perfect example of letting the kids be kids. In between the chaos there are always inevitably moments of calm and I’ll be ready to capture those before the toddler tornado takes off again!!
There is something so special about maternity portraits when there is an older sibling there to love up on Mama and the baby on the way.
This session is full of so many sweet moments, and that happy little blondie... she melts me!